I have added these photos into our growing collection of photos.  Most of the boys in this team were pupils at Petersham Public School.   Lorna and Bill Madigan, with their sons Peter, Bernard and Ray, who lived at 39 Wardell Road, Petersham, were the driving force behind the Petersham junior baseball teams.  
Many of you will also remember that Mrs Lorna Madigan also ran our School Canteen, the Petersham Public School P&C Association, Marrickville Marching Girls Team, and organised all those costumes for the folk dancing around Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park in Education Week for quite a few years, every August.

Her youngest son, Ray Madigan, is somewhere in these photos.  If you think you can help us identify people in them then please use the Comments tool following this post to pass on any relevant related information to us.

Fig. 1.   Top L to R:  Graeme Grubb, unknown, Lindsay Hodda, Terry Malpass, Ray Madigan, John Cooper?, Gary (Shorty) Williams. Middle L to R:  John Pearce? John Young, Keith Ash.Front L to R:  Ian Andrews, Francis Whitling.

Fig. 2.   Top L to R: Ray Madigan?, Lindsay Hodda, Terry Malpass, John Cooper?, unknown, Gary (Shorty) Williams. Middle L to R:  Graeme Grubb, John Pearce, John Young, Keith Ash.Front L to R:  Ian Andrews, Francis Whitling.

John Young
Petersham Public School Class of 1956 – 1963
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Created: 20-may-2011
Updated: 17-oct-2024